Month: October 2013

  • Capital Controls: Ready Or Not!


    Freedoms In US Continue To Erode Rapidly;
    Capital Controls Are Coming Next

    Author: Joseph R. Carducci
    Source: - 10.17.2013

    As someone who truly loves America, it is very difficult for me to write this article. I remember what this country was like in my youth. I remember going to school and being able to play cops and robbers during recess and making my hand into the shape of the gun was not a ‘political’ statement or a ‘terrorist’ threat like many (if not most) school districts feel it is today. We used to have real freedom. Now, we cannot even send an email or make a phone call without our communications being tracked by the NSA and probably several dozen other government agencies.


    There are reports that seem to occur at least weekly regarding some police force or over-zealous government employee abusing their power on ordinary citizens for no reason…and getting away with it because our new ‘interpretations’ of laws. We are about to give the government the authority to literally take over about one-fifth of the economy through ObamaCare, yet less than 40 percent of the public actually supports this law. Not to mention that we are drowning in debt and our elected officials engage in endless and useless political theater over whether or to give Congress the authority to borrow even more money that we have no intention or plan of ever repaying.

    Yes, our country is in trouble. And, yes, very often the road to tyranny is indeed paved with good intentions. Personally, whenever I hear about the formation of a new government agency, or am told that something is being done for my own ‘protection’ I tend to run away as fast as possible. Take the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) for example. This agency has decided that they want to help retail banks in the US ‘protect’ their customers regarding international wire transfers.


    By ‘help’ I think they really mean prohibit, but you can be the judge of this. What is happening is this: under the facade of consumer safety and security, several banks are limiting their retail customers’ abilities to send international wire transfers. Chase will begin limiting cash withdrawals and even banning business customers outright from sending international wire transfers starting November 17th. Beginning on October 20th, HSBC USA Premier clients will have a five day waiting period before transferring funds to their OWN international accounts. And that five-day waiting period is a minimum, while the bank examines the transaction. Also, remember that this is for customers simply moving money between their own accounts!

    While this is amazing, it is essentially the beginning of capital controls in the United States. The free flow of capital across borders is starting. The authorities realize that with the economic problems the US is having, there is a strong possibility that it will lead to a decline in the value of the dollar, which could affect banks having enough money to lend and politicians being able to run up their debts as high as they want. Capital controls are a way to force you and I to keep our money locked up inside the US, denominated in dollars that are declining in value.

    Throughout history, we see this lesson repeated over and over. Desperate governments will do whatever it takes to hold on to ‘their’ assets. This includes capital controls, plunder, confiscation, and the destruction of liberty. Who among us can honestly say that they have not seen the destruction of liberty over the last 20 or even 10 years?

    These new regulations about moving money is just the first step of what is to come. Initially, the rules will just be a nuisance and besides most people might not ever think about moving money outside of the dollar. But they will become more and more stringent. And make no mistake, the US government is broke. We do not collect enough tax revenue to pay for mandatory entitlements (which neither party will have the guts to even consider cutting or eliminating) and interest on the debt.


    I ask you, are these the signs of a wealthy nation? Are these the signs of a country whose economy is the envy of the world? The only thing that allows this farce to continue is the fact that the US dollar is considered to be the world’s reserve currency and that many internationally traded commodities are priced only in dollars. I strongly believe that eventually this system will come crashing down unless we get our financial house in order.

    Here’s an interesting video that talks a bit more about capital controls and even offers an interesting perspective on the government shut down, debt ceiling, and our overall situation:

    What do YOU think? Have you considered that capital controls may be coming? Do you see the general decline in the level of freedom and privacy in this country? What do you think about the government mortgaging our future and the future of our children in order to continue paying out entitlements?

  • Mohamed Alibiary


  • Making A God Of Government

    Making a God of Government

    Author: Trevor Thomas
    Source: American Thinker - 10.13.2013

    Recently, Jim Wallis, president and founder of Sojourners and a leader of the so-called "evangelical left," declared the government shutdown "unbiblical." On a video produced by Sojourners, Wallis said, "There is a deeper problem here than politics. There is a theological problem. As a Christian, I want to say, shutting down government is unbiblical."

    With his longtime, deep-seated liberal worldview, Wallis comes to this conclusion because the conservatives with whom he disagrees "don't believe in government per se. They want to destroy the House [of Representatives] and shut it down. That's not biblical." He continues, "Secondly, because government has a biblical responsibility to care for the poor, they're against poor people. They get hostile to the poor because they are hostile to government. That's also wrong. It's unbiblical."

    In addition to being a complete lie (there are at least three in Mr. Wallis' statement -- is lying "unbiblical?"), it is a worn out, but reliable, tactic of liberals to attack conservatives as uncaring, cold-hearted, uncompassionate, selfish brutes whenever the idea of shrinking government is broached. But "unbiblical"? Please. (As my website has declared for years, "t is no act of charity to be generous with someone else's money.)
    - [I]Deconstructing Liberal Tolerance

    One really has to be committed to a Big-Government worldview to use Scripture to try to shame conservatives. The GOP presidential debate of September 2011 provides a great example of Democrats, aided by their allies in the mainstream media, using this line of attack.

    CNN's Wolf Blitzer presented Ron Paul and other Republicans with a hypothetical: a 30-year-old man who chose not to purchase health insurance suddenly finds himself in need of six months of intensive care. Blitzer wanted to know what the "compassionate conservative" response would be.

    Congressman Paul stated, "That's what freedom is all about -- taking your own risks." Thrilling liberals everywhere, Blitzer pressed the matter and asked whether "society should just let him die." The New York Times' Paul Krugman piously concluded that "[t]he incident highlighted something that I don't think most political commentators have fully absorbed: at this point, American politics is fundamentally about different moral visions."

    Asking "Where Are the Compassionate Conservatives," Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson noted that Blitzer next turned to Michele Bachmann, "whose popularity with evangelical Christian voters stems, at least in part, from her own professed born-again faith. Asked what she would do about the man in the coma, Bachmann ignored the question and launched into a canned explanation of why she wants to repeal President Obama's Affordable Care Act."

    Robinson then declared that "[a]ccording to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus told the Pharisees that God commands us to 'love thy neighbor as thyself.' There is no asterisk making this obligation null and void if circumstances require its fulfillment via government."

    The book of Luke records that, when Jesus is asked by "an expert in the Law" what he must do to inherit eternal life, Jesus asks him what the Law requires. The man answers correctly: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind,' and 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"

    Sounding like a liberal pundit or politician, or as Scripture puts it, "attempting to justify himself," the man smugly asks Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" That is when Jesus launches into the Good Samaritan parable. Of course, the parable reveals that, as a true act of love, a Samaritan -- whom the Jews of Jesus's day generally despised -- took care of an injured Jew on his own time and with his own resources. (Not quite the picture of ObamaCare that today's liberals would have us believe.)

    Liberals love to quote Scripture when they think it might help them further their Big-Government social agenda. They also love to talk about compassion and morality but would prefer it if you left Scripture out of it. Perhaps if more liberals were for posting the Ten Commandments in every public school and post office in the U.S., more Americans would feel comfortable putting health care in the hands of the federal government.

    Perhaps if more liberals were willing to allow their morality and compassion to move them to protect the most defenseless among us -- the unborn -- more Americans would take them seriously when they talk in terms of "moral visions," "compassion," or "caring for the poor."


    Why would any sincere Christian want to put caring for the poor, or any other charitable act, for that matter, in the hands of a godless secular government (the type of government that, of course, most of today's liberals crave)? Is it Christ-like to support legislation that promotes servitude and dependence and massively grows government -- to the tune of trillions of dollars -- all the while piling up more and more debt?

    The bottom line here is that most liberals, at least those who end up getting elected, do not allow Christian morality to guide their politics. (Is that not the song-and-dance we get from Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, et al. when it comes to abortion?) Instead, bowing at the altar of Big Government, they simply align their politics with whatever morality will get them elected or re-elected. (See the same-sex marriage debate.)
    - The Psychopathology Of the Liberal Mind

    Good government should be rooted in Christian morality. (All law is rooted in some morality.) As I've said recently, good government must recognize what it means truly to come to the aid of those in need; what it takes truly to change bad behavior -- something that "gets to the heart" of individuals -- and, at best, partner with such efforts, or at least do nothing to hinder them. Most importantly, good government should never enact laws that are contradictory to the laws of God. As Blackstone taught us, "[the] laws laid down by God are the eternal immutable laws of good and evil. ... This law of nature dictated by God himself, is of course superior in obligation to any other. It is binding over all the globe, in all countries, and at all times: no human laws are of any validity if contrary to this[.]"


  • Liberal Journalist Slams Affordable Care Act


    The Abysmal, Pathetic Obamacare Rollout

    Author: Nick Gillespie
    Source: The Daily Beast - 10.17.2013

    The best jokes about the absolutely abysmal rollout of Obamacare have come not from the program’s critics but from the Affordable Care Act’s two biggest champions. And the biggest tears? Well, those will come from the rest of us over the coming years, in the form of declining levels of choice in health care and rising prices.

    Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Elena Scotti

    Faced with the manifest—and ongoing—failure of the federal exchange at to allow people to shop, compare, and enroll in great new insurance at low, low prices, Barack Obama huffed, “Just a couple of weeks ago, Apple rolled out a new mobile operating system, and within days, they found a glitch, so they fixed it. I don’t remember anybody suggesting Apple should stop selling iPhones or iPads or threatening to shut down the company if they didn’t.”

    The president’s comments deliberately echoed that of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who on the launch date pleaded with Americans to “give us the same slack they give Apple…If there’s not quite the operational excellence right away, we’ll continue to press for that.”

    Operational excellence? Equating a glitch in an operating system that has revolutionized mobile and tablet computing to an unproven program whose website seems to be infected with the Stuxnet virus? Do these people think we’re Republican-level stupid or what (more on that later)?

    Or maybe Obama and Sebelius think that Apple’s bright, shiny future still rests on the eMate 300 and the Newton Message Pad. Seriously, does the president not realize that after a string of flops and cost overruns, Apple did in fact come close to bankruptcy? That happens to companies on a regular basis, even to behemoths that liberal economists like John Kenneth Galbraith used to claim were beyond the reach of market forces. Go ask anybody who remembers A&P, Gimbels, Digital Equipment, Kodak, or Borders, fer chrissakes.

    After the search for bin Laden, the Obama administration’s biggest manhunt has turned out to be for someone—anyone—who managed to actually sign up for and enroll in an insurance plan offered by the federal exchange. As The Miami Herald declared in a recent headline, “Obamacare enrollees become urban legend.” So far, you’ve got a better chance of turning up a gerbil escapee scurrying down Richard Gere’s leg than finding a couple dozen satisfied customers of During a legendarily awful Daily Show appearance, Sebelius lowered expectations yet further by saying that HHS will release enrollment figures on a monthly basis. Right after all the parades for record-setting grain harvests and successful launches of canine cosmonauts.


    The first high-profile case of an Obamacare enrollee was paraded around the mainstream media like a captured U2 pilot in the old Soviet Union. But he turned out to be…well, not so much. On October 4, my colleague Peter Suderman broke the story that Obamacare poster boy Chad Henderson had not actually purchased insurance for either himself or his father. Henderson—a paid activist for Organizing for America, a community organizing project of the Democratic National Committee—eventually admitted to The Washington Post, “I have not purchased a specific plan.”

    But how could he have? is a colossal, expensive failure that projects a 1970s-era DMV experience into cyberspace. It wasn’t for lack of money. As The New York Times reports in a devastating anatomy of failure, some $400 million has been spent so far in creating “a one-stop click-and-go hub for citizens seeking health insurance.” But rest easy, America, since the Times cites a source who says that “the project was now roughly 70 percent of the way toward operating properly.” And the other 30 percent, which is kinda sorta important? “I’ve heard as little as two weeks or as much as a couple of months.” Which is to say, don’t go skydiving or skiing come January 1, 2014.

    There’s reason to believe that by keeping people from actually pricing insurance plans, is trying to mask the cost of the coverage offered at the exchange. It turns out that the major cause of the traffic bottleneck at is the requirement that visitors register and give personal information before being allowed to browse for plans—the sort of impediment rarely encountered these days at most e-commerce sites.


    HHS told the Wall Street Journal that the goal of that was to “ensure that users were aware of their eligibility for subsidies that could help pay for coverage, before they started seeing the prices of policies.” Avik Roy, a writer at and an analyst at the Manhattan Institute who has been sharply critical of the president’s plan, calculates that coverage under Obamacare will on average be 99 percent higher for men and 62 percent for women than under currently available plans. That’s because Obamacare does away with exclusions for pre-existing conditions, severely caps premiums for older people, mandates coverage of a wider number of services, and more. You can argue whether those are good or bad things, but it’s hard to argue that they don’t increase costs that will ultimately be borne either directly by the insured or indirectly by taxpayes who will subsidize coverage. Roy contends that the “political objective [of] masking the true underlying cost of Obamacare’s insurance plan…far outweighed the operational objective of making the federal website work properly.”

    Eventually, the crowd at will thin out, either because fed-up folks—especially the “young invincibles” who are so important to any chance of the program’s success—stop going there or because the government hires some decent programmers. Whether it’s in two months or 12—and whether it costs another $400 million—is anybody’s guess. But while you’re waiting, consider this: The Congressional Research Service found that the Obama administration missed half of its statutory deadlines for the implementation of The Affordable Care Act in its first three years.

    There’s no rush. After the program becomes fully operational, then the real troubles will begin. Who in their right mind is going to feel comfortable giving income and other personal information to a site that inspires less sense of security than a Russian mail-order bride website? The government’s super-spy outfit—the National Security Agency—allowed a short-term contract employee to walk out with a bazillion incriminating PowerPoint slides. And you’re asking us to believe that HHS is going to keep things confidential?

    Does it make you feel better that, as the Times put it, the “project quarterback” was the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which fails to catch between $60 billion and $100 billion annually in waste, fraud, and abuse? Reports are coming in that to the extent that and related phone centers are sending information to insurers, much of the data is junk that will require huge amounts of manpower to verify.


    The one thing that the Obama administration has going for it is opposition by Republicans, which maintains its “stupid party” reputation the old-fashioned way—they earn it. Obamacare has never been popular with voters, even as its unpopularity has declined slightly due to the shutdown. Spectacularly, the Republicans managed to blunt the full-on disaster of Obamacare’s roll-out by cluttering truly popular demands for reductions in spending and debt with a laundry list of demands about defunding and/or delaying health care and other issues (such as approving the XL Keystone Pipeline).

    Had the GOP focused on strictly fiscal matters, they not only might have gotten a clean CR at current spending levels and a blessedly dirty debt deal, they might have provided space for a true grassroots movement to delay Obamacare.

    Instead, here we are, with a Congress that no one can stand, a president whose numbers are slumping, and a botched health-care reform whose worst days are ahead of it and whose online debut inspires about as much confidence in the future of America as did back in the day.

  • Terry McAuliffe Supports Late-Term Abortion


    Terry McAuliffe: Of Course I Support Late-Term Abortion

    Author: Daniel Doherty
    Source: - 10.18.2013

    - A November Message for Richmond, VA
    - An Open Letter To Richmond, VA


    Did you know that Terry McAuliffe doesn’t support any restrictions on abortion after 20 weeks gestation -- a position most Americans find repugnant and out-of-the-mainstream? Because that’s exactly what he told students at George Mason University earlier this week.


    Here’s the transcript (via LifeNews):

    Woman #1: “So as governor, would you oppose any restrictions on my right to an abortion at any time?


    Woman #1:No, Yes?

    McAuliffe:I would support stopping any restrictions.”

    And then to remove any doubt, he told another woman that as governor he would be a “brick wall” against even the most common ground limitations on abortion.

    Woman #2:Also, if any anti-choice Republicans were to introduce legislation preventing me from getting an abortion after 20 weeks would you oppose it?

    McAuliffe:So you have a Constitutional right. This has been determined in our nation. It is a Constitutional right. It is. What I said here is that I will be a brick wall to stop any erosion of any Constitutional right that any woman has in Virginia. I will be a brick wall.


    That’s a stunning admission, although it remains to be seen what kind of impact, if any, it will have on voters' minds. Single issue, pro-life Virginians were never going to vote for Terry McAuliffe anyway. They’re fully behind Ken Cuccinelli. But how will it impact, say, conservative Democrats and centrist Republicans? A Quinnipiac poll from last summer showed that 37 percent of Old Dominion residents think abortion should be illegal in “all or most” cases. That’s a solid plurality.

    So will McAuliffe's comments influence their decisions on Election Day? I guess we'll soon find out.

    - Salvation for Richmond, VA
    - Prayer Requests for Richmond

  • The Unpublished Letter


    The Letter They Won't Publish

    Author: Kurt Nimmo


    Predictably, the corporate media, the official propaganda outlet for the establishment, has refused to post or publish an open letter sent to Obama by Lon Snowden, the father of Edward Snowden. This callous refusal should finally convince any who may have had any doubt that the United States is anything but a tyrannical national security state with a state-run media no different than the one in Cuba, China or Iran.

    Edward Snowden’s unwarranted persecution and vilification by the globalist propaganda media is part of a larger campaign to snuff out investigative media.

    Glenn Greenwald eluded to this during a conversation about the persecution of Pfc. Bradley Manning with CIA operative Anderson Cooper and CNN legal analyst and establishment insider Jeffrey Toobin. In response to Toobin’s defense of Manning’s unjust persecution and probable life sentence, Greenwald said the former Harvard Review editor was arguing “for the end of investigative journalism.”

    As the indisputable assassination of investigative journalist Michael Hastings makes painfully obvious, the government is not merely attempting to persecute journalists who refuse to act as stenographers for the national security state, but is actively killing them. The United States is now on par with Mexico, Iran, Colombia, and Russia, countries that stand accused of murdering journalists.


    The letter penned by constitutional lawyer Bruce Fein and sent by Lon Snowden to Obama follows. Below it is a video of the exchange between Greenwald and the apologist for a vindictive and murderous state, Jeffrey Toobin, who counts as his close friend Supreme Court justice Elena Kagan.

    July 26, 2013
    President Barack Obama
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20500

    Re: Civil Disobedience, Edward J. Snowden, and the Constitution

    Dear Mr. President:

    You are acutely aware that the history of liberty is a history of civil disobedience to unjust laws or practices. As Edmund Burke sermonized, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

    Civil disobedience is not the first, but the last option. Henry David Thoreau wrote with profound restraint in Civil Disobedience: “If the injustice is part of the necessary friction of the machine of government, let it go, let it go: perchance it will wear smooth certainly the machine will wear out. If the injustice has a spring, or a pulley, or a rope, or a crank, exclusively for itself, then perhaps you may consider whether the remedy will not be worse than the evil; but if it is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter friction to stop the machine.”

    Thoreau’s moral philosophy found expression during the Nuremburg trials in which “following orders” was rejected as a defense. Indeed, military law requires disobedience to clearly illegal orders.

    A dark chapter in America’s World War II history would not have been written if the then United States Attorney General had resigned rather than participate in racist concentration camps imprisoning 120,000 Japanese American citizens and resident aliens.

    Civil disobedience to the Fugitive Slave Act and Jim Crow laws provoked the end of slavery and the modern civil rights revolution.

    We submit that Edward J. Snowden’s disclosures of dragnet surveillance of Americans under § 215 of the Patriot Act, § 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Amendments, or otherwise were sanctioned by Thoreau’s time-honored moral philosophy and justifications for civil disobedience. Since 2005, Mr. Snowden had been employed by the intelligence community. He found himself complicit in secret, indiscriminate spying on millions of innocent citizens contrary to the spirit if not the letter of the First and Fourth Amendments and the transparency indispensable to self-government. Members of Congress entrusted with oversight remained silent or Delphic. Mr. Snowden confronted a choice between civic duty and passivity. He may have recalled the injunction of Martin Luther King, Jr.: “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it.” Mr. Snowden chose duty. Your administration vindictively responded with a criminal complaint alleging violations of the Espionage Act.

    From the commencement of your administration, your secrecy of the National Security Agency’s Orwellian surveillance programs had frustrated a national conversation over their legality, necessity, or morality. That secrecy (combined with congressional nonfeasance) provoked Edward’s disclosures, which sparked a national conversation which you have belatedly and cynically embraced. Legislation has been introduced in both the House of Representatives and Senate to curtail or terminate the NSA’s programs, and the American people are being educated to the public policy choices at hand. A commanding majority now voice concerns over the dragnet surveillance of Americans that Edward exposed and you concealed. It seems mystifying to us that you are prosecuting Edward for accomplishing what you have said urgently needed to be done!

    The right to be left alone from government snooping–the most cherished right among civilized people—is the cornerstone of liberty. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson served as Chief Prosecutor at Nuremburg. He came to learn of the dynamics of the Third Reich that crushed a free society, and which have lessons for the United States today.

    Writing in Brinegar v. United States, Justice Jackson elaborated:

    The Fourth Amendment states: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing
    the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

    These, I protest, are not mere second-class rights but belong in the catalog of indispensable freedoms. Among deprivations of rights, none is so effective in cowing a population, crushing the spirit of the individual and putting terror in every heart. Uncontrolled search and seizure is one of the first and most effective weapons in the arsenal of every arbitrary government. And one need only briefly to have dwelt and worked among a people possessed of many admirable qualities but deprived of these rights to know that the human personality deteriorates and dignity and self-reliance
    disappear where homes, persons and possessions are subject at any hour to unheralded search and seizure by the police.

    We thus find your administration’s zeal to punish Mr. Snowden’s discharge of civic duty to protect democratic processes and to safeguard liberty to be unconscionable and indefensible.

    We are also appalled at your administration’s scorn for due process, the rule of law, fairness, and the presumption of innocence as regards Edward.

    On June 27, 2013, Mr. Fein wrote a letter to the Attorney General stating that Edward’s father was substantially convinced that he would return to the United States to confront the charges that have been lodged against him if three cornerstones of due process were guaranteed. The letter was not an ultimatum, but an invitation to discuss fair trial imperatives. The Attorney General has sneered at the overture with studied silence.

    We thus suspect your administration wishes to avoid a trial because of constitutional doubts about application of the Espionage Act in these circumstances, and obligations to disclose to the public potentially embarrassing classified information under the Classified Information Procedures Act.

    Your decision to force down a civilian airliner carrying Bolivian President Eva Morales in hopes of kidnapping Edward also does not inspire confidence that you are committed to providing him a fair trial. Neither does your refusal to remind the American people and prominent Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate like House Speaker John Boehner, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann,and Senator Dianne Feinstein that Edward enjoys a presumption of innocence. He should not be convicted before trial. Yet Speaker Boehner has denounced Edward as a “traitor.”

    Ms. Pelosi has pontificated that Edward “did violate the law in terms of releasing those documents.” Ms. Bachmann has pronounced that, “This was not the act of a patriot; this was an act of a traitor.” And Ms. Feinstein has decreed that Edward was guilty of “treason,” which is defined in Article III of the Constitution as “levying war” against the United States, “or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

    You have let those quadruple affronts to due process pass unrebuked, while you have disparaged Edward as a “hacker” to cast aspersion on his motivations and talents. Have you forgotten the Supreme Court’s gospel in Berger v. United States that the interests of the government “in a criminal prosecution is not that it shall win a case, but that justice shall be done?”

    We also find reprehensible your administration’s Espionage Act prosecution of Edward for disclosures indistinguishable from those which routinely find their way into the public domain via your high level appointees for partisan political advantage. Classified details of your predator drone protocols, for instance, were shared with the New York Times with impunity to bolster your national security credentials. Justice Jackson observed in Railway Express Agency, Inc. v. New York: “The framers of the Constitution knew, and we should not forget today, that there is no more effective practical guaranty against arbitrary and unreasonable government than to require that the principles of law which officials would impose upon a minority must be imposed generally.”

    In light of the circumstances amplified above, we urge you to order the Attorney General to move to dismiss the outstanding criminal complaint against Edward, and to support legislation to remedy the NSA surveillance abuses he revealed. Such presidential directives would mark your finest constitutional and moral hour.

    Bruce Fein
    Counsel for Lon Snowden
    Lon Snowden

    Related Articles:

    - 7 Facts About the Mainstream Media They Are Hiding From You
    - The Sovietized American Media
    - Mounting Evidence of Benghazi Activities

  • The Current Debt Crisis From An Old Perspective

    Reprinting or republication of this report on websites is authorized by prominently displaying the following sentence, including the hyperlink to Stratfor, at the beginning or end of the report.

    "The U.S. Debt Crisis from the Founders; Perspective is republished with permission of Stratfor."


    Author: George Friedman
    Source: Stratfor Global Intelligence

    The U.S. government is paralyzed, and we now face the possibility that the United States will default on its debt. Congress is unable to resolve the issue, and President Obama is as obstinate as the legislators who oppose him. To some extent, our political system is functioning as intended, the Founding Fathers meant for it to be cumbersome. But as they set out to form a more perfect union, they probably did not anticipate the extent to which we have been able to cripple ourselves.

    Striving for ineffectiveness seems counterintuitive. But there was a method to the founders’ madness, and we first need to consider their rationale before we apply it to the current dilemma afflicting Washington.

    Fear and Moderation
    The founders did not want an efficient government. They feared tyranny and created a regime that made governance difficult. Power was diffused among local, state and federal governments, each with their own rights and privileges. Even the legislative branch was divided into two houses. It was a government created to do little, and what little it could do was meant to be done slowly.

    The founders’ fear was simple: Humans are by nature self-serving and prone to corruption. Thus the first purpose of the regime was to pit those who wished to govern against one other in order to thwart their designs. Except for times of emergency or of overwhelming consensus, the founders liked what we today call gridlock.

    At the same time, the founders believed in government. The U.S. Constitution is a framework for inefficiency, but its preamble denotes an extraordinary agenda: unity, justice, domestic tranquility, defense, general welfare and liberty. So while they feared government, they saw government as a means to staggeringly ambitious ends, even if those ends were never fully defined.


    Indeed, the founders knew how ambiguous their goals were, and this ambiguity conferred on them a sense of moderation. They were revolutionaries, yet they were inherently reasonable men. They sought a Novus Ordo Seclorum, a “New Order of the Ages,” a term that was later put on the Great Seal of the United States, yet they were not fanatical. The murders and purges that would occur under Robespierre or Lenin were foreign to their nature.

    The founders’ moderation left many things unanswered. For example, they did not agree on what justice was, as can be seen in their divided stance on slavery. (Notably, they were prepared to compromise even on something as terrible as slavery so long as the Constitution and regime could be created.) But if the purpose of the Constitution was to secure the “general welfare,” what was the government’s role in creating the circumstances that would help individuals pursue their own interests?

    There is little in the Constitution that answered such questions, despite how meticulously it was crafted, and the founders knew it. It was not that they couldn’t agree on what “general welfare” meant. Instead, they understood, I think, that general welfare would vary over time, much as “common defense” would vary. They laid down a principle to be pursued but left it to their heirs to pursue it as their wisdom dictated.


    In a sense, they left an enigma for the public to quarrel over. This was partly intentional. Subsequent arguments would involve the meaning of the Constitution rather than the possibility of creating a new one, so while we would disagree on fundamental issues, we would not constantly try to re-establish the regime. It may not have been a coincidence that Thomas Jefferson, who hinted at continual revolution, did not participate in the Constitutional Convention.

    The founders needed to bridge the gaps between the need to govern, the fear of tyranny and the uncertainty of the future. Their solution was not in law but in personal virtue. The founders were fascinated by Rome and its notion of governance. Their Senate was both a Roman name and venue for the Roman vision of the statesman, particularly Cincinnatus, who left his farm to serve (not rule) and then returned to it when his service was over. The Romans, at least in the eyes of the founders if not always in reality, did not see government as a profession but rather as a burden and obligation. The founders wanted reluctant rulers.

    They also wanted virtuous rulers. Specifically they lauded Roman virtue. It is the virtue that most reasonable men would see as praiseworthy: courage, prudence, kindness to the weak, honoring friendship, resolution with enemies.

    These were not virtues that were greatly respected by intellectuals, since they knew that life was more complicated than this. But the founders knew that the virtues of common sense ought not be analyzed until they lose their vigor and die. They did not want philosopher-kings; they wanted citizens of simple, clear virtues, who served reluctantly and left gladly, pursued their passions but were blocked by the system from imposing their idiosyncratic vision, pursued the ends of the preamble, and were contained in their occasional bitterness by the checks and balances that would frustrate the personal and ideological ambitions of others.

    The Founding Father who best reflects these values is, of course, George Washington. Among the founders, it is he whom we should heed as we ponder the paralysis-by-design of the founders’ system and the current conundrum threatening an American debt default. He understood that the public would be reluctant to repay debt and that the federal government would lack the will to tax the public to pay debt on its behalf. He stressed the importance of redeeming and discharging public debt. He discouraged accruing additional debt and warned against overusing debt.


    However, Washington understood there would be instances in which debt had to be incurred. He saw public credit as vital and therefore something that ought to be used sparingly, particularly in the event of war, and then aggressively repaid. This is not a technical argument for those who see debt as a way to manage the economy. It is a moral argument built around the virtue of prudence.

    Of course, he made this argument at a time when the American dollar was not the world’s reserve currency, and when there was no Federal Reserve Bank able to issue money at will. It was a time when the United States borrowed in gold and silver and had to repay in the same. Therefore in a technical sense, both the meaning and uses of debt have changed. From a purely economic standpoint, a good argument can be made that Washington’s views no longer apply.

    But Washington was making a moral argument, not an argument for economists. From the founders’ perspective, debt was not simply a technical issue; it was a moral issue. What was borrowed had to be repaid. Easing debt may power the economy, but the founders would have argued that the well-being of the polity does not make economic growth the sole consideration. The moral consequences are there, too.
    - No Business Like Gov Business

    The Republic of the Mind
    Consequently, I think the founders would have questioned the prudence of our current debt. They would ask if it were necessary to incur, and how and whether it would be paid back. They would also question whether economic growth driven by debt actually strengthens the nation. In any case, I think there is little doubt they would be appalled by our debt levels, not necessarily because of what it might do to the economy, but because of what it does to the national character. However, because they were moderate men they would not demand an immediate solution. Nor would they ask for a solution that undermines national power.

    As for federally mandated health care, I think they would be wary of entrusting such an important service to an entity they feared viscerally. But they wouldn’t have been fanatical in their resistance to it. As much as federally mandated health care would frighten them, I believe fanaticism would have frightened them even more.

    The question of a default would have been simple. They would have been disgusted by any failure to pay a debt unless it was simply impossible to do so. They would have regarded self-inflicted default regardless of the imprudence of the debt, or health care reform or any such subject as something moderate people do not contemplate, let alone do.

    There is a perfectly valid argument that says nothing the founders believe really affects the current situation. This is a discussion reasonable and thoughtful people ought to have without raised voices or suspicion that their opponent is vile. But in my opinion, we have to remember that our political and even private life has been framed by our regime and therefore by its founders. The concept of limited government, of the distinction between public and private life, of obligation and rights, all flow from the founders.

    The three branches of government, the great hopes of the preamble and the moral character needed to navigate the course continue to define us. The moral character was always problematic from the beginning. Washington was unique, but America’s early political parties fought viciously, with Aaron Burr even shooting Alexander Hamilton. The republic of the mind was always greater than the republic itself. Still, when we come to moments such as these, it is useful to contemplate what the founders had in mind and measure ourselves against that.


    George Friedman is the Chairman of Stratfor Global Intelligence, a company he founded in 1996 that is now a leader in the field of global intelligence. Friedman guides Stratfor’s strategic vision and oversees the development and training of the company’s intelligence unit.

  • The Truth About the palestinian Rock Throwers


    New Website Exposes The Truth About Palestinian Rock Throwing

    Author: William A. Jacobson
    Source: Legal Insurrection - 10.14.2013

    We have featured Pallywood here many times, the Palestinian industry producing everything from outright video hoaxes to mere gross exaggerations all in the name of demonizing Israel.
    - CNN Exposed Faking Syrian News Reports

    But there is an even more pernicious western media version of Pallywood, the outright bias and misleading characterization of acts of terror against Israel.
    - Everything Is Fake Now

    These actions often are deliberate provocations set up by media and activists who side with the Palestinians, in which a phalanx of photographers and videographers waits to catch an Israeli soldier responding to a provocation. The use of children as provocateurs is a common tactic �" nothing plays better in the media than the image of an Israeli soldier confronting a child.
    - The Top 50 Examples Of Liberal Media Bias

    But those children often are engaged in violent behavior, particularly rock throwing. A “rock” can shatter a skull, or in where thrown at a moving vehicle, can cause a serious accident.


    To the media, rock throwing is no big deal. Because the media has not been on the receiving end.
    - Top Ten Reasons For Media Propaganda Against Israel


    That’s where a new website, The Truth About Palestinian Rock Throwing, comes in. The website, which just went live, aims to expose the western media failure to report the truth about these acts of violence, often committed by “children”.
    - 7 Media Secrets

    It’s first video is The Wadi’a Maswadah Hoax:


    "On July 12, 2013 major elements of the Western and Arabic “news” media engaged in a campaign to elicit sympathy for a 5-year-old Palestinian boy, Wadi’a Maswadah, whom they claimed was “arrested” or “illegally detained” by the Israeli military.

    The furor began after videos were posted by an anti-Israel “human rights” group, that depict the boy erupting in a crying tantrum, amidst heavily-armed Israeli soldiers.

    In reality, the boy was caught throwing rocks at passing Jewish cars, the Israeli soldiers stopped him, brought him to his home, waited for his father, then delivered them to the Palestinian Authority police.

    What these “news” entities and “human rights” group did not present, however, is the names and stories of any of the Jews who have been maimed and killed as a result of Palestinian rock-throwing �" including 3-year-old Adele Biton, who was left with traumatic brain injury just four months earlier."


    In its initial press release, the group explains why the website was started.

    The website contains a chronology of rock throwing attacks that caused serious injury, and also explores financial contributors to the entities behind the rock throwing.

    There is a particular focus on The UN-RWA’s enabling of Palestinian terror incitement and child indoctrination, and has started a Petition:


    The anonymous creators of the website do not receive any government funding, only private donations.

    The website also has started documenting how western media glorifies the rock throwers, but ignores the victims, as in this Huffington Post slide show (image via TTAPRT):


    Link HERE to view the slide show

    Legal Insurrection will continue to publish this excellent work exposing The Truth About Palestinian Rock Throwing.

  • There's No Business Like Government Business!


    No Business Like Gov Business

    Author: Daniel Greenfield
    Source: the Sultan Knish blog - 10.15.2013

    Imagine a big corporation. A really big corporation that monopolizes everything and compels you to buy its low quality overpriced services and imprisons you if you refuse to pay whether you use them or not.

    Now imagine a CEO who picks and chooses which laws to follow, who breaks the law, embezzles huge sums for his friends, lies repeatedly and is never held accountable for it.


    We are all shareholders of the corporation of government whose board and CEO we vote for, but whose undemocratic governing mechanisms make those votes less meaningful and many of whose shareholders are part of bloc votes that profit from the unsustainable practices of the corporation and vote in bad boards that rob us blind so that they can pocket more money.

    The corporation's goal is to turn its shareholders into consumers; transforming free people into people who want free things so that the corporation of government can govern the people without being governed by them.

    Once, Americans were shareholders of government. Today Americans are consumers of government. They aren't calling the shots; they're standing in line hoping for a special on health care in Aisle 1500.

    The current incarnation of the American Republic (is it the Fourth or the Fifth incarnation? At least the Europeans have the good grace to tack on those numbers) is primarily a provider of domestic services with a sideline in international relations. This is a striking contrast from the older American Republic where the government provided domestic defense and not much else.

    It's simplest to think of a thing in terms of its function. With the majority of Federal spending going to Social Security and Medicare, our government is essentially an insurance company that takes a percentage of salaries and "invests" that money into a social safety net. Except the money isn't invested, it's squandered, and much of it goes to people who are not paying into the system.

    As insurance companies go, our government is unreliable and untrustworthy, its payouts are poor, its customer service is terrible and the people running it would be in a jail cell if they were running a corporation the way that they run the country.


    To understand what our government is, imagine a wasteful non-profit obsessed with Third World children, merged with some kind of domestic poverty charity, merged with an insurance company, attached to a bunch of umbrella trade and regulatory groups for entire industries with a huge military arm that exists to stabilize troubled regions for the business community.

    This Frankenstein America monster is what the current Republic looks like and the people running it insist that this unwieldy beast, its bulky body and its deviant brain, are a massive step forward into the future. Well Dr. Frankenstein thought the same thing and whether it's the Tea Party or OWS, there are no shortage of peasants with pitchforks out there.


    Our national government is an insurance company attached to a bunch of national and international trade and regulatory groups. It's a progressive mad scientist's dream of a government that can do anything.

    But the monster performs its functions like Frankenstein trying to take a flower from a girl's hand. The flower gets crumpled and Frankenstein stomps off to smash things.
    - Big Brother Is A Slaver

    It can't handle the insurance business, because it can't control the temptation to spend all those piles of cash coming in.

    It can't pay out the money again, because it is determined to spend giant chunks of it on social services to people who did not pay into it.

    And it can't deliver any services in an efficient manner because its departments exist to employ incompetents who are bound by the rules to be even more incompetent than their actual inclinations, so that the system will be forced to hire even more incompetents on an annual basis.

    As for national defense, forget about it.

    The military is lent out on a pro bono basis to humanitarian projects maintained by NATO, which like an international buggy whip manufacturer exists with no purpose and has instead decided to go into the business of intervening to prevent genocides against Muslims that aren't taking place while ignoring genocides by Muslims that are.

    The whole thing is rolled into the United Nations, which is like one of those dot com companies that were supposed to be the next big thing, but never became the next big thing, but kept raking in piles of money from investors while promising to one day revolutionize absolutely everything.

    Think of the United Nations as Myspace. It's expensive, outdated and uses the same shade of blue. It used to be big, then it became irrelevant, but it still won't go away. The United Nations is also one giant walking and flying conflict of interest with countries using it to settle political scores with each other.

    Our corporation's domestic programs, like its international ones, suffer from conflicts of interest.

    First, the corporation is far more beholden to its suppliers of services than its consumers of services. This is a significant problem because it means that the cost of providing those services is constantly becoming more expensive and the corporation keeps nodding its head at the inflated product and labor figures presented by its suppliers.

    Between the internal inefficiency and the unwillingness of the corporation to hold the line with its suppliers, the financials are impossible, and the corporation is currently running an annual trillion dollar deficit. It keeps raising its compulsory prices, but there is no reason to think that it can function within any conceivable budget because its boards, its executives and its suppliers just adjust their spending to match the available funds and then go twenty or thirty percent higher.

    More money doesn't mean better or even workable government. It means the corporations and unions who are on the inside will take more money home and next year there will be an bigger deficit, because like a dumb beast, the system will eat as much as you give it. It will not stop, because there is no profit motive for the individuals running things to stop. They can only make money by spending money and they don't have to make money to spend money because they control the cash flow.

    On paper, the corporation exists to provide services to customers. In practice it exists to provide wealth to its boards, its suppliers and its employees. It is a non-profit, in the worst sense of the word, because its finances are unsustainable, it keeps going only by compulsively lying to everyone it owes money to, promising debtors that they will be repaid and customers that they will be served, while its insiders stuff their pockets full of stolen money.

    This state of affairs is not unprecedented among corporations. It's a familiar form of corruption being practiced on a truly epic scale.

    Conflict of interest is completely natural. It is human nature for people to look after themselves and their friends first. It is also completely natural for a system to serve itself and to build its governance mechanisms in such a way that everyone on the inside gets paid and almost everyone on the outside gets screwed. It's all natural, but so is murdering your neighbor for his camels and his wife.


    Governments are set up to restrain the sort of natural abuses that flow out of human nature. The American variety of it was an experiment that tossed out a ridiculously corrupt system dependent on access and birth, and replaced it with one that depended as little on government as possible. It was still corrupt from the first, because it was still human, but it was much less corrupt than all the other alternative systems to it because everyone had limited veto power over it and unlimited immunity from it in many areas.
    - The Catastrophic Failure Of Human Government

    Since then we have gone from a system that limited its own power to a system whose ideologues cry for unlimited power and spin us the wonders of universal college education and green energy that they will produce for us if only we let them do whatever the hell they want. But at least it's not one of those horrible big corporations. Then we might actually have a choice whether to do business with it or not.


  • Targets and Standing Armies - Pt1

    Targets and Standing Armies - Part One

    America Is A Third World Hellhole…According to Police

    Author: Wendy McElroy
    Source: The Dollar Vigilante

    What else can explain their actions and attitudes?

    Law enforcement agencies in America are using the No More Hesitation series of cardboard and paper targets for shooting practice. The Minneapolis-based Law Enforcement Targets Inc. (LET) has produced at least eight of them, with photos ranging from a young boy to a pregnant woman in her third trimester, both of whom are pointing guns. Other posters include an elderly man in his home holding a shotgun and a young mother with her daughter in a playground. There does not yet appear to be a baby in a playpen target. Available for 99 cents a sheet, the posters are approximately two-feet-wide by three-feet-tall. (Note: all the posters I've seen are of white people; perhaps it is too controversial to shoot a non-white pregnant woman or child?)


    LET is a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) supplier. It has contracts worth at least $5,471,126 with several federal agencies, and it boasts of providing training materials throughout the military and to “thousands of law enforcement agencies at the municipal, county, and state levels.” Law enforcement customers are admonished to “Mix & Match 'No More Hesitation' targets for best pricing.” Presumably, officers who shoot the elderly man will also want the companion elderly woman target.

    Under an advertised image of a pregnant woman, LET explains the purpose behind the training material, “No More Hesitation Targets were designed to give officers the experience of dealing with deadly force shooting scenarios with subjects that are not the norm during training. No More Hesitation faded background enhances the isolation and is meant to help the transition for officers who are faced with these highly unusual targets for the first time.”

    Correction: LET did caption the pregnant woman target in the foregoing manner. Some time last week, LET either removed the images of civilian targets or blocked open access to them. It is not clear what happened because LET's 'explanation' is ambiguous: “These products have been taken offline due to the opinions expressed by so many, including members of the law enforcement community.” Are they available offline? And why are some target posters still on the site (as of noon 25/02/13)?

    To view many of the targets, however, it is now necessary to use the Wayback Machine – a free online service that archives the Internet and preserves 'vanishing' data. The pregnant woman target can be accessed by feeding the old URL into the Wayback search box.

    The officers are being conditioned to shoot their next door neighbors without reservation or pause. They are being desensitized to the confrontation with civilians that will occur if a door-to-door disarmament is conducted or civil unrest erupts. The police are being trained to shoot young children who hold guns even though the vast majority of such weapons will turn out to be water pistols or their equivalent. Those who believe the police can tell the difference should remember the recent manhunt for Chris Dorner – a large, young black man. Without warning, Los Angeles Police Officers fired more than a hundred bullets into a truck containing two small latina women – one of them 71 years old – before the officers realized neither was Dorner.

    Meanwhile, last September, the DHS purchased at least 7,000 automatic assault rifles, calling them “Personal Defense Weapons”. These are the same weapons DHS wants to make illegal for private ownership. As well, DHS has either purchased or intends to purchase approximately 1.8 billion rounds of ammunition. (Accounts vary.) That is about 5 bullets per person in America. And, remember, DHS operates domestically. A retired Houston police officer named T.F. Stern also observed, “[T]his past September FEMA graduated its first class of cadets, not sure what you should call them; but FEMA corps is how they are classified. This is a national police force, a standing army by definition, a standing army that reports to the president and has powers that go beyond even local police departments; I find that disturbing on many levels.”

    It looks like law enforcement is preparing for domestic battle. This has led to widespread speculation about the inevitability of a war by the government against civilians [a topic we consider at length -- along with how best to live through it unscathed -- at TDV Homegrown].

    In fairness, and as noted by LET, some complaints about the civilian targets have come from law enforcement. For example, Stern added, “There’s something wrong, seriously wrong here. If we start to desensitize law enforcement officers, have them disregard humanity, to feel nothing’s wrong in shooting a pregnant lady or an old man with a shotgun inside his own home…then what kind of society have we become? How will police officers react after they no longer believe they are part of the society which they have been charged with policing, when they have become used to shooting pregnant ladies and old men?”

    Similar comments from law enforcement seem to indicate a trend, however. They seem to come from retired officers who may have escaped the reckless militarization that grips current agencies. Law enforcement is no longer a part of the public it 'serves'; it is an occupying force that views prepubescent children as target practice.

    There are anecdotal reports of public response.

    Many people apparently accept law enforcement's constant warnings of constant dangers from which only officers of the law can protect them. They are afraid. And fear makes people politically malleable. They applaud a hard and fast crackdown on lawlessness. Such people will side with law enforcement whatever happens. If they are shown video of police officers slaughtering a newborn baby, they will exclaim, “Ah, yes, but what did the baby do to provoke the reasonable police response before the tape was turned on?”

    Other people are taking action. These people know they pose no threat to civil society – they are civil society – and, yet, they are being targeted for abuse by the state.

    A story related by a gun enthusiast friend is particularly chilling. In a post entitled “Something funny happened on the way to tyranny”, gun owner Bob Owens described walking into a gun shop in his small town. Other businesses on the street were almost empty but the gun shop was a beehive of activity with “at least” 6 clerks rushing to keep up with demand from customers. He notes:

    The cases of ammunition that typically lined the far wall were picked to pieces. There was a 100-round case of .50 BMG, and cases of European shotshells suitable for small game. The .223 Remington, 5.56 NATO, 7.62×39, 7.62 NATO, and 7.62x54R had sold out long ago, along with the bulk 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP. A few pump shotguns remained along with a smattering of deer rifles, single-shots, and longer double-barreled shotguns suitable only for trap or skeet. Even the semi-automatic .22LR rifles like Ruger 10/22s were gone, along with all but one BX-25 magazine.”

    Every weapon of “military utility” under 100 years old was gone. Owens commented, “This isn’t a society stocking up on certain guns because they fear they may be banned. This is a society preparing for war.”

    I hope he is incorrect. I believe he is accurate. Owens concluded of the coming gun rights battle, “There is an earnestness now on both sides, and a great chance for unintended consequences.”

    Do not become an unintended consequence. Do not let your family any where near an officer who has no hesitation about shooting a child.

    Know Your Rights To Resist Unlawful Arrest:

    “Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officer's life if necessary.” Plummer v. State, 136 Ind. 306.

    “An arrest made with a defective warrant, or one issued without affidavit, or one that fails to allege a crime is within jurisdiction, and one who is being arrested, may resist arrest and break away. lf the arresting officer is killed by one who is so resisting, the killing will be no more than an involuntary manslaughter.” Housh v. People, 75 Ill. 491